Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Love vs Crush

          Everyone, no matter who they are, is naturally and somehow sharing a common thing which is called “Love”. There is always confusion between love and infatuation that gives people a hard time to classify their feeling toward others whether it is love or infatuation. By the way, love is a strong feeling that we have toward someone and we will always be there to support him or her; meanwhile, infatuation is a feeling that we see someone for the first time and it does not last long.

            Personally, between love and infatuation, I would choose love for several reasons. Firstly, love is a mutual feeling. Generally, love happens when two people have feeling toward each other. It is unlike infatuation which is just a one-side love. Because of their mutual-feeling, they stay and enjoy their happiness lives together. Moreover, like what have been mentioned in the introduction part, when we are in love with someone, we will always be there to support them even in good or bad situation. That’s why we said love is happiness. In addition, love is wonderful things which is pure and real. Secondly, Love lasts longer. It takes a lot of time to build and starts with infatuation, but love is gradual process. In fact, the symptom of having love involved in faithfulness, loyalty, confidence to each other and willingness to made sacrifice for another. It’s different from infatuation which is a quick superficial feeling that happens only for the first sight and for a short times already. In other word, it just like a bomb that goes off and then gone. Thirdly, love is devotion. When two people are in love, they tend to share everything with each other both in good times and bad times. Unlike infatuation, love is based on caring and working toward common goals together. If one person is suffering, the other person also feel bad and tries to do everything to ease other’s pain. Furthermore, for people who are in love, one’s happiness is the concern of other. They do everything just to make sure that both of them can live happily and have a long-lasting love. Lastly and importantly, love lets you be yourself. You do not need to be perfect if someone is really in love with you. He or she will simply accept you with no concern of who you are, how you look like or what you have done.  On the other hand, infatuation flourishes on perfection. You have an idealized image of your partner and you only show your partner about your good side.  Specifically, some people do not want their crush to know that they are poor because they still have idea that poverty is the obstacle and they would not fulfill their desire with such an obstacle like this.

            In conclusion, based on the four reasons above, we can simply imply that love is better than infatuation. It does not expect something in return for the one we love. Infatuation maybe fun but you will get hurt somehow. Thus, if you do not want to hurt yourself, you should love not fall in love because things that fall will be broken.

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